Mounted atomizers are ideal for small and medium-sized vineyards or orchards.. The tank is polyethylene and consists of two parts, the main one with a filter and a cover and a hand-washing tank with a faucet. The fan is Ø700 mm (7 feathers with the possibility of regulation). Stainless steel tube nozzles holder. Double adjustable brass nozzle with anti-drip and ceramic nozzles. The fan is started by a two-speed multiplier with declutch lever. The filter has the possibility of self-filling from natural sources (wells, reservoirs for water accumulation, sources, etc.). The homogenization of the preparation is accomplished by a hydro-injector. The bottom hinge is realized in three points with a Ø22 / 28 mm sleeve. There is also the possibility of installing fins, extended hoses to the tractor cabin, electronic pressure regulator and other equipment, as stated in the accessories.
Three tanks: polyethylene with filter and cover 400/600L, hand-washing tank 15L with faucet, rinsing tank 40/60L;
Total emptying system;
Chassis (metal construction) - painted (car paint);
Three ways pressure regulator;
Pump: 3 piston model, flow rate 50 L/min, maximum pressure 40 bar;
Diffuser assembly metallic - painted (car paint);
Stainless steel tube nozzles holder;
10 brass two-pole sprinklers with anti-drip system and ceramic tiles Ø18mm with 0.8 and 1.2mm opening;
Transmission of torque using a MA502/14 multiplier with a transmission ratio of 1:4.53 and 1:3.82, with two speeds;
Fan ø 700 mm aluminum hub and 8 blades made of polyamide reinforced with glass fibers, with the possibility of fin regulation at an angle of 20 to 45°;
Filter (50mesh=300µm) with the possibility of self-charging from natural sources (wells, water storage tanks, springs, etc.);
Hydro mixer with Ø1.25 mm nozzle;
Top directional fins for diffusor D.700mm;
Extended hoses to the tractor cabin;
Electronic pressure regulator;
2 long-range end nozzles-top nozzles;
Cardan L=800mm Φ 22x54mm, with PVC plastic protection;
Self-filling system (5m ribbed hose + suction basket);
Surcharge for powder mixer on filter tank;
Hydraulic injector (mixer + injector);
Tank rinsing - a shower;
Manometer Φ 100mm;
Red warning kit;
Leaves protection for 700 mm d. fan 980*225mm;
Rear bumper for diffusor D.700mm;