Eseo 800-1000L
Spraying group ideal for large-sized farms. Тhe frame is zinc plated and it’s made of metal pipes of large diameter. Machine washing system is standard: it includes a container for preparing the composition, with an interior nozzle for flushing the container. The VERTO boom is painted, follows the terrain and lifts mechanically. It opens and closes using a hydraulic cylinder which is controlled from the tractor cab. Spray booms are made of stainless steel, and the nozzles are with anti-leaking system. The control group maintains constant pressure with 4 or 5 outputs which enables fine adjustment of pressure. Two hidraulic mixers ensure proper preparation. Double posts Ø22/28 mm for the three-point linkage are delivered.

Three Tank: Main tank of polyethylene with strainer and cover, tank for washing hands with faucet and tank washing system;
Built in preparation container (optional);
Total emptying system;
Metal construction- Varnished steel frame;
Lower suspension using a sleeve Ø22/28 mm;
Mechanical regulator maintains constant pressure in all sections with 4, 5 ways "Basic 206 Tecomec"- Italy;"
Pump Dal Degan DL 3105 NP (3 pistons, flow 105 L/min, maximum pressure 20 bar) or DL 4120 NP (4 pistons, flow 120 L/min, maximum pressure 20 bar) depending on the spray device;
Filter (50mesh=300µm) (Tecomec) with the possibility of self-charging from natural sources (wells, reservoirs for water accumulation, springs, etc.);
Two hydraulic mixers with a nozzle Ø1,25mm;
"VERTO" hydraulic boom with stainless steel pipes and double pistons that provide the possibility of hydraulic opening left and right side;
Plastic resin nozzles GEOLINE type AZ 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, for working pressure 2 - 4 bar, angle resin 80° – 110;
Mechanical lifting devices using a winch;
The mechanical leveling device.
Liquid filling kit with joint Φ 40mm (5 m hose + filter D.40);Cardan L=1000mm Φ 22X54, with PVC plastic protection;Surcharge for powder mixer on filter tank;
Cardan l=1000mm, cross φ 22x54, with PVC protective plastic;
Surcharge for powder mixer on filter tank;
Hydraulic injector (mixer + injector);
Tank rinsing - a shower;
Surgacharge for electronic pressure regulator with 4 ways (electronic opening of seat valves, electronic pressure setting and electronic opening of the central valve) with battery controller 12V relative to mechanical pressure regulator " BASIC 206" with 4 ways;
Computer 250 CS, with very sensitive display, automatic and handling management, multiple languages, simplifying parameters as well as: pressure, speed, surface area, quantity of fluid that are excluded, literated reservoirs;
Lifting device with hydraulic piston;
Cointainer for thoroughly mixing of preparation and reception in main tank, which containes an nozzle for packing rinsing (mixer);
Red warning kit;
Light signalization;
Manometer Φ 100mm;
Complete tri- jet nozzles; Air nozzles to 20 km / h type AD-IA - 02 yellow (TECOMEC), reccomended pressure 2 to 7.5 bar, with accessories 110º; Air nozzles to 20 km/h type AD-IA - 03 blue (TECOMEC), reccomended pressure 2 to 7.5 bar, with accessories 110º; Air Ai Air nozzles to 20 km/h type AD-IA - 04 red (TECOMEC), reccomended pressure 2 yo 7.5 bar, with accessories 110º;