
Spraying group ideal for large-sized farms. The frame is varnished and made of bent metal sheets of high thickness. The wheels are the appropriate height and width, which prevents the cropping of agricultural crops . Ore is accompanying, not destroying crops, because the sprayer follows the traces of the tractor. The tank consists of three tanks: polyethylene with filter and cover, hand-washing tank and rinsing tank. It also contains a container for the preparation of the preparation, in which there are nozzles for flushing the packaging. The device copies the terrain, it is lifted, opened and closed by means of hydraulic cylinders controlled by the control unit from the tractor cabin. The carrier pipes are nozzles made of stainless steel, and the nozzle carrier contains three nozzles (triplex) and against the dropping system. The electronic command group allows regulation of spray pressure and control of sections from the tractor cabin. The DL4180 is low pressure, it contains four diaphragms that are placed in an aluminum body.




Three tanks: polyethylene with filter and cover 400/600L, hand-washing tank 15L with faucet, rinsing tank 40/60L;

Metal construction- Varnished steel frame;

Pumpa Dal Degan DL 4180 NP (4 diaphragms, 180 L / min flow, maximum pressure 20 bar);

5 ways electronic pressure regulator (electronic opening of seat valves, electronic pressure setting and electronic opening of the central valve) with battery control;

Cointainer for thoroughly mixing of preparation and reception in main tank, which containes an nozzle for packing rinsing (mixer);

Boom PRIMA rises mechanically, and it opens and closes with hydraulic cylinders controlled by the control unit from the tractor cabin;

Tri-jet nozzles with resin nozzles type AZ 02 yellow, 03 blue and 04 red (Tecomec) reccomended pressure 2 to 4 bar, with accessories 110º;

Filter with self-filling possibility;

Hydro mixer GEOLINE with nozzle Ø1.25mm;

Wheels TR135 – 9.5 x 28”;

Turning ore for tractor tracing;


Liquid filling kit with joint Φ 40mm (5 m hose + filter D.40);Cardan L=1000mm Φ 22X54, with PVC plastic protection;Surcharge for powder mixer on filter tank;

Cardan l=1000mm, cross φ 22x54, with PVC protective plastic;

Surcharge for powder mixer on filter tank;

Hydraulic injector (mixer + injector);

Tank rinsing - a shower;

Computer GEOSYSTEM 250 CS, with very sensitive dispay, automatic and handling management, multiple languages, simplifying parameters as well as: pressure, speed, surface area, quantity of fluid that are excluded, graduated tanks;

Set of catadiopter triangles;

Light signalization;

Manometer Φ 100mm;

Air nozzles to 20 km/h type AD-IA - 02 yellow (Tecomec), reccomended pressure 2 to 7.5 bar, with accessories 110º;

Air nozzles to 20 km/h type AD-IA - 03 blue (Tecomec), reccomended pressure 2 to 7.5 bar, with accessories 110º;

Air Ai Air nozzles to 20 km/h type AD-IA - 04 red (Tecomec), reccomended pressure 2 yo 7.5 bar, with accessories 110º;
